5 (WTH IS THIS!?) Horror Movies on Tubi

By: Abraham O. Lawal

James has brought you quality heat when it comes to Horror films and monsters. So I felt it was my duty to come from the opposite side of that spectrum because we all enjoy some out-of-pocket, wonky films that we can laugh at for it’s acting, plot, or just plain craziness!

These are listed in no particular order.

The Curse of Humpty Dumpty (2021)

Honestly, I kept seeing this title appear in my recommendations and I was so confused as to why. But curiosity got the best of me and look...I was surprised. Is it great? No. But the potential is there and look at Humpty Dumpty! He did it for me. Honestly, what an interesting twist on the  Nonetheless, get ready for questions and a few head-scratchers.

Directed by: Scott Jeffrey

Stars: Sian Altman, Nicola Wright & Antonia Whillans

The Beast of Bray Road (2005)

Based on a Wisconsin urban legend of the same name, this film excited me as a youth. Look, I’m team Werewolf 10 times out of 10. That being said, who doesn’t enjoy a good C-List werewolf flick that touts cheesy acting and fun, gory moments. For example, a woman getting her leg ripped off and gnawed on while she decides to spend a few extra minutes just screaming and crawling away by a few centimeters. Adrenaline, amirite?

Directed by: Leigh Scott

Stars: Jeff Denton, Thomas Downey, & Sarah Lieving

Hell Trip (2018)

The only reason I watched was because of the mask on the thumbnail. The only reason I stayed was for the terrible acting to be punished by death. No, I’m serious...this acting should be punishable by death. The last time I cheered for the villain was...well, never mind. I’m not helping my case.

Directed by: Patrick Garcia

Stars: Jade Hubner, Candice Weber, & Jonathan Boyton-Lee

Urban Legends (1998)

Who doesn’t like a slasher film? Especially the one about urban legends that make you pause for a second. The film follows an innocent college student as people around her are killed and guess who is in this film?? Freddy Krueger himself! So is Lex Luthor, but he has hair now. Here is to my Smallville fans!

Directed by: Jamie Blanks

Stars: Jared Leto, Michael Rosenbaum, Loretta Devine, & Alicia Witt

V/H/S/2 (2013)

This is honestly the wildest film I’ve watched multiple times, but it’s just great. A lot of wtf moments with this gory and horrific-filled anthology series. From demons to aliens you get it all, and I do implore you to watch the first V/H/Sfilm (recommended by Moi during our #31DaysOfHlloween recommendations on IG and Twitter).

Directed by: Multiple Directors

Stars: Simon Barrett, Kelsey Abbott, & L.C. Holt

Overall, these films will have you laughing, harshly critiquing, or enjoying yourself with glee!