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NBA Live 18 Review

Written by: Kyle Mills

Remember the days when every EA sports games dominated the 2k series? Well except football, but that is another story. I remember it like it was just yesterday. I still reminisce about playing the Slam Dunk Contest and pulling off the between your legs twice dunk. Another would be front flipping into a 720 dunk. 

NBA Live was the king in the early days. I've watched two of my friends battle it out on weekends, then insult each other while the game was going on. I've since stopped playing NBA Live since the 2009 edition and rented the others. I saw that there was a sale for NBA Live 18 for just 5 bucks, so I decided to give it a try.

There is a little story mode, The ability to be the GOAT of the league or settle it on the street ball circuit. I haven't started that yet. So far the game is solid but not enough to compete with its competition. What made Live so great back in the day was its realism, with this one you would be in shock if Steph Curry made an open Three. A simple bump by a defender and you will miss a simple layup right under the bucket.

The gameplay is very slow and I had to up the speed to about 95 to keep me awake. Though it's not a terrible game, I wouldn't recommend it as a purchase. Rent it at your local Red Box and return it when you're done.

NBA Live 18 -  6/10.