Call of Duty Reveal Blackout Map, Additional Details for Beta
By: Bryce L. Jackson
Activision has released the parameters of their battle royale mode "Blackout" coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.
There will be as may as 80 players in a server at a time, with players in teams of 4. There will be at least 30 weapons available during the beta and vehicles for land, sea, and air. There will also be perks in the game mode that will buff player and team play.
Activision also released the map layout for Blackout:
Blackout Map
- via Call of Duty Instagram
The map includes iconic locations from Call of Duty history such as Firing Range (Black Ops 1,2,3) Dome (Modern Warfare 3), Cargo (Black Ops 2) among others Nuketown (Black Ops 1,2,3) will be on its own island and its design is based on after the bomb dropped. There will also be locations featured from Zombie maps and will have AI zombies in those specific areas.
The Blackout Beta will be live for PlayStation players on September 10th and players on remaining platforms will get to test the mode from September 14th through the 17th. The beta is available for players that have preordered Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be released for PlayStation 4, XBOX One, and PC on October 12th.