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Overwatch adds new Hero

Written by: Bryce Jackson

After teasing since Christmas, Jeff Kaplan and Overwatch released the identity of the new hero: Brigitte Lindholm.

The daughter of Torbjorn and named by Reinhardt and repairs Reinhardt’s armor according to Overwatch lore. Brigitte (Bri-Gee-Ta) is an Engineer in the support class and is a hybrid of Support/Tank. Her kit includes flail with secondary fire being a ranged attack that will knock enemies back. She has a personal shield that can take 600 damage and can charge nearby opponent to inflict damage and a stun. Her other abilities are “Inspire”, a passive heal that will affect nearby allies whenever Brigitte does damage, Repair Pack which can be thrown at a desired teammate that heals and gives additional armor when there the ally has filled health and uses remaining heals to add armor.

Her Ultimate ability is “Rally” that gives her an increase in movement speed and an area of effect healing like Zenyatta’s Transcendence, last for 10 seconds and adds an additional 150 shield that remains after the end of the ultimate until an enemy does damage.

The team comps I expected in Ranked play could be a variation of the “Death Ball” Comp where teams try to move as one unit in a relatively small space. She could either be played as a 3rd “tank” with one true Support hero, as the 2nd tank in the off-tank role supplementing a Dive composition her Repair Pack has optional lock on like Ana’s Ultimate that can be given to DPS in eyesight but in the enemy’s backline, or as the 4th tank in the “Slambulance comp”. I dont expect to see her for at least 2 weeks in the competitive ladder and not at all in Overwatch League until mid week 3 or Week 4.

As a Support Main, I love the idea of Brigette. I’ve been trying to add a tank to my hero pool (Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta, Zarya). My Zarya has gotten better and I still have trouble getting used to Orisa. I would want to use Brigitte to initiate a push with Rally, play the frontline, do damage and still heal those around me. It feels like a hero I can really gravitate to. After playing as Mercy for most of my time in Overwatch, playing a support that can also defend themselves is always appreciated. I feel she may replace Zenyatta because Rally is essentially Transcendence that lasts a little longer and gives shield on top of filling health bars and the Repair Pack also gives healing to a specific target plus armor. Playing Brigitte I assume will be fun and can’t wait until she arrives on console eventually.