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Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered Review

By: Bryce L. Jackson

Am I really going to review an 11 year old game remastered to current generation consoles? Yes because there are some really good things to say about it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was remastered by Beenox and its a marvel from start to finish. The game not only upscales the graphics and textures that really shine through even on a launch version PS4, but they managed to add in small animations to the game. Inspecting your weapon, the death animation is more of a stumble than just a sudden thud, new character and NPC animations, and many other small additions. As someone that played through the campaign many times, it also sounds like some voice lines were also added in some places.

COD: MW2 Remastered was a wonderful trip down memory lane, reciting voice lines known by heart, acquiring Intel collectables, and dragging back emotions and frustrations I hadn’t experienced in a COD campaign in years. The attack on Virginia and the siege to take back Whiskey Hotel (The Rangers story arch in general is my jam), The Gulag, all wonderfully given a new coat of paint. I may have made a mistake in jumping right to Hardened difficulty because of pride and leading to some of that aforementioned frustration.

I thoroughly enjoyed my nostalgic play-through and will probably replay it before the weekend is finished. I’m not in the camp of “Bring back multiplayer too.” I’m good with just this. Besides, there’s no way Activision will want to distracted from Modern Warfare (2019) and its free-to-play Warzone battle royale. XBOX and PC players will have to wait until April 30th for MW2 Remastered’s release on those platforms, in while I will again watch a playthrough to see the game in uncapped frames.