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Creating a Gaming-Focused Home Office Setup


There are two reasons why you might want a home office that doubles as the perfect gaming setup.

Either you work from home and also enjoy gaming as a hobby or gaming is your career and you need a setup that accommodates this. 

  1. Ergonomic Furniture

First and foremost, comfort is of the outmost importance . Yes, you need powerful hardware to run the games, but comfort is necessary for both an extended gaming session and a long workday. While you could drag over any old chair and work from there, it doesn’t take long for your back and neck to start paying for your mistakes.

So, invest in a good hybrid gaming chair that will support your back for as long as you need it to. While you’re at it, ensure that your desk is at the right height and is large enough to comfortably and safely secure your equipment.

  1. Hardware

Speaking of equipment, any gamer needs to make sure that their hardware is up to specifications. This is especially important if you play games as part of your career, as you will need to run them on the highest quality . Some people may also need to render and edit videos, depending on their business.

If you play games as a hobby and they aren’t as intensive to run, then you don’t necessarily have to invest in the most powerful or high spec hardware. However, it pays to have at least a gaming laptop or console that can comfortably run games so that you can enjoy them more.

  1. Video and Sound

Depending on what you use your office for, video and sound may have varying importance. A streamer or YouTuber will need a good microphone, camera, and will preferably have some kind of soundproofing. 

However, most businesses today do involve a lot of conference calls, which means that even if you don’t need good sound and video for your gaming, you may well appreciate them when talking to clients or employees. It comes across as far more professional.

  1. Multiple Monitors and Peripherals

The effect that multiple monitors have on productivity is well known, as they can display far more information than a split-screen and allow you to work without flipping through tabs. However, they are also incredibly helpful for streamers, as they allow you to play the game on one stream while simultaneously watching the chat on the other. 

Any gamer will also appreciate other peripherals such as headphones, which allow you to truly get immersed in the game. Joysticks and controllers may also be very helpful. Suddenly, that large desk makes sense.

  1. Separate Business Address

If you’re running a business from your home office, be it gaming-related or otherwise, having a separate business address may be incredibly helpful. It makes your business seem more professional and helps to keep your home address private. You can get one at