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Bethesda Lays Out Upcoming Releases

By: Bryce L. Jackson

Bethesda had a tumultuous 2018 after the botched release of Fallout: 76 so the company had a lot to make up for during their E3 2019 press conference. To their credit, Todd Howard owned up to the faults that befell Fallout: 76 and announced upcoming additions and improvements to the title that aim to win fans back to West Virginia.

Along with improvements and additions to beloved Bethesda titles like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls online, Bethesda debuted new titles

Fallout 76: Wasteland Year 2 DLC (Fall 2019) and Nuclear Winter Battle Royale Mode (Trial Week June 10th-17th)

Ghostwire: Tokyo

Wolfenstein: Youngblood (July 26th, 2019; XBOX, PS4, Switch, PC)

Commander Keen (iOS, Android)


Doom: Eternal (November 22nd, 2019; XBOX, PC, PS4, Switch)

The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Expansion